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São Paulo; s.n; 2022. 168 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425795


Introdução: O aumento da expectativa de vida da população faz com que as pessoas passem a viver por mais tempo com doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT). Dentre as mulheres, as fases da vida que mais se destacam pelos acometimentos em saúde são aquelas relacionadas à menopausa; além do risco aumentado para o desenvolvimento da síndrome metabólica (SM), há destaque para os transtornos mentais comuns (TMC) e as doenças articulares (DA). Já entre os homens, uma vez que a andropausa não é tão claramente identificada como a menopausa, acaba-se atribuindo essa ocorrência à idade e às baixas concentrações séricas de testosterona. Todavia, em ambos os sexos, um processo de inflamação sistêmica crônica e de baixo grau (ISBG) tem sido apontado como um importante fator associado ao desenvolvimento e agravo de todas as condições acima mencionadas. A ISBG decorre de alterações próprias do envelhecimento no sistema imune (SI), particularmente a imunossenescência, mas também por outros fatores externos ao SI, em especial as modificações na gordura corporal e no ambiente intestinal. Nesse contexto, estudar a relação e fatores associados a essas condições permite o delineamento de estratégias de intervenção em saúde. Objetivos: Investigar, em pessoas a partir 40 anos de idade, a prevalência e as associações entre desfechos em saúde relacionados a DCNT, incluindo fatores relacionados à ISBG. Métodos: O presente estudo, que consistiu na elaboração de três manuscritos, foi desenvolvido a partir de dados do Inquérito de Saúde de São Paulo de 2015, um estudo transversal, de base populacional e com amostra representativa dos moradores da área urbana do município de São Paulo. No primeiro manuscrito, foi investigada a associação entre a presença de TMC, DA, Índice de massa corporal (IMC) e outras doenças crônicas. As análises incluíram também dados sociodemográficos (idade, escolaridade, raça/etnia); essas associações foram testadas por modelos de regressão logística múltipla. No segundo manuscrito foram testadas as associações entre TMC e DA com o potencial inflamatório da dieta (identificado a partir do cálculo do Índice Inflamatório da Dieta), o nível de atividade física (utilizando o International Physical Activity Questionnaire- IPAq) classificado conforme recomendação da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), a presença de outras doenças crônicas e o IMC. As análises também incluíram variáveis sociodemográficas (faixa etária, escolaridade, raça/etnia). O terceiro manuscrito consistiu em uma subamostra não representativa do banco de dados do estudo ISA, com participantes que tiveram a composição corporal avaliada por DEXA (raios-x de dupla energia), de onde se obteve a massa magra apendicular e o total de gordura corporal. Foi também avaliada a força de preensão manual, que determina a qualidade do músculo esquelético. Foi realizada a dosagem de marcadores inflamatórios (TNF-α) e de permeabilidade intestinal (LPS, zonulina e iFABP). Ainda, esses participantes tiveram realizadas as dosagens de HDL-c plasmático, glicemia de jejum e triacilglicerol, além das medidas de pressão arterial. Esses parâmetros foram utilizados para a classificação da síndrome metabólica (SM). As associações, mediações e direções entre essas variáveis foram testadas a partir de modelos generalizados de equações estruturais. Principais Resultados: Manuscrito 1. A prevalência de TMC entre as mulheres investigadas no estudo esteve entre 26,9% e 38,0%, a de DA ficou entre 18,7% e 31,1%. Foram encontradas associações entre TMC e DA (OR = 1,998; p<0,001), idade entre 56 e 60 anos (OR= 0,542; p=0,018), e a presença de três diagnósticos de outras doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (OR= 2,696; p= 0,027). Manuscrito 2. Avaliando simultaneamente as associações entre TCM, DA, potencial inflamatório da dieta, e o nível de atividade física, observou-se que as associações entre TMC, DA e número de diagnósticos de outras doenças crônicas foram mantidas, e o maior tercil do escore do índice inflamatório da dieta se mostrou positivamente associado a presença de TCM (OR=2,240; p=0,006). O nível de atividade física não apresentou significância, porém permaneceu ajustando os modelos. Manuscrito 3. A síndrome metabólica foi identificada em 45,8% dos participantes, e associações diretas foram observadas entre TNF-α e massa gorda corporal, e entre a permeabilidade intestinal e a massa muscular apendicular. Conclusões: Os resultados aqui apresentados confirmaram uma associação significativa entre transtornos mentais e aspectos inflamatórios, representados pela presença de doenças articulares e outras doenças crônicas, além do potencial inflamatório da dieta. A atividade física mostrou uma associação marginal protetora em relação à inflamação sistêmica e consequentemente aos transtornos mentais. Finalmente, componentes da composição corporal, massa gorda e massa magra apendicular, se mostraram diretamente associados a marcadores inflamatórios e a presença de síndrome metabólica.

Background: The increase in population life expectancy allows individuals to live longer time periods with noncommunicable diseases (NCD). Among women, the life phases that stand out the most by the health compliment are those related to menopause, with emphasis to the common mental disorders (CMD), and the joint diseases (JD), and an increased risk for the metabolic syndrome presentation. Among men, once andropause is not as clearly identified as menopause, the occurrence of these conditions is attributed to age and to the low level of circulating testosterone. The called low-grade systemic inflammation (LGSI) has been pointed as an important factor associated to the development and worsening of all the mentioned conditions. The LGSI results from the immune system (IS) proper alterations, but also from factor aside IS, especially the body fat and gut environment changes. In this context, investigating the relations and factors associated to those conditions allows designing health intervention strategies. Aims: To investigate, in persons aged 40+ years old, the prevalence and associations between CMD related outcomes, with emphasis on the factors associated to the LGSI. Methods: The present study, which is constituted of three manuscript elaboration, was developed from data of the 205 Health Survey of São Paulo, a population-based cross-sectional study, with representative sample of urban residents of the city of São Paulo. In the first manuscript, associations of CMD, JD, and other chronic conditions, and body mass index (BMI), were investigated. The analysis also included sociodemographic data (age, schooling, race/ethnicity); these associations were testes by multiple logistic regression models. In the second manuscript, associations were tested between CMD and JD, with the inflammatory potential of the diet (identified from the Dietary Inflammatory Index calculation), the leisure physical activity level [classified according to WHO (World Health Organization) proposition using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire- IPAq], the presence of other chronic conditions and BMI. Analysis also included sociodemographic variables (age intervals, schooling, race/ethnicity). Third manuscript consisted of a sub-sample, which was not representative of the Health Survey of São Paulo, with participants who had their body composition evaluated by DXA (dual energy x-ray), from which appendicular muscle mass and total body fat were obtained. Also, handgrip strength, that determinate skeletal muscle quality, was evaluated. Inflammatory (TNF-α) and gut permeability (LPS, zonulin and iFABP) were evaluated. Yet, these participants had plasmatic HDL-c, fasting blood glucose and triacylglycerol, and arterial blood pressure evaluated. These parameters were used for the metabolic syndrome (MS) classification. Associations, mediations, and directions among those variables were tested by Generalized Structural Equation Models. Main results: Manuscript 1. The prevalence of CMD among investigated women was found between 26.9% and 38.0%, and from 18.7% to 31.1% for JD. Associations were found between CMD and DA (OR= 1.998; p<0.0001), age from 56 to 60 years old (OR= 0.542; p=0,018), and the presence of the diagnostics of three chronic conditions other than JD (OR= 2.696; p=0.027). Manuscript 2. Simultaneously evaluating the associations between CMD, JD, and dietary inflammatory potential, physical activity level, and the number of other chronic conditions diagnosis, and the higher dietary inflammatory index score presented positively associated to the presence of CMD (OR= 2.240; p=0.006). Physical activity level did not present significant associations, but it adjusted the models. Manuscript 3. Metabolic Syndrome was identified in 45.8% of the participants, and direct associations were observed between TNF-α and body fat mass, and from gut permeability and the appendicular muscle mass. Conclusions: The here presented results confirm a significant association between common mental disorders and inflammatory aspects, represented by the presence of joint diseases and other chronic conditions, and also the dietary inflammatory potential. Physical activity presented marginal protective association in relation to systemic inflammation, and consequently to common mental disorders. Finally, body composition components, body fat and appendicular muscle mass, were directly associated to inflammatory markers and to the presence of metabolic syndrome.

Humans , Male , Female , Permeability , Menopause , Exercise , Metabolic Syndrome , Andropause , Diet , Noncommunicable Diseases , Inflammation , Joint Diseases , Mental Disorders
Revagog ; 3(3): 104-110, Jul-Sept. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIGCSA | ID: biblio-1344331


El climaterio es una etapa fisiológica que permite al médico reconocer tempranamente los riesgos de patologías y la gran oportunidad de revertirlas. Este trabajo examinará la evidencia actual de la terapia hormonal en la prevención primaria de la enfermedad cardiovascular en mujeres, así como la importancia que igualmente tienen la indemnidad de los ovarios, el peso normal, el uso correcto de antibióticos, la preservación de la microbiota intestinal, las dietas antioxidantes, los estilos de vida saludables y el obligatorio abandono del hábito de fumar.

Humans , Female , Climacteric/physiology , Menopause/physiology , Cardiovascular Diseases/prevention & control , Hormone Replacement Therapy , Heart Disease Risk Factors , Smoking/adverse effects , Andropause/physiology , Estradiol/therapeutic use , Atherosclerosis/prevention & control , Gastrointestinal Microbiome/drug effects , Healthy Lifestyle
Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 23: 1-8, fev.-ago. 2018. tab, fig
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1026659


Os sintomas da deficiência androgênica durante o envelhecimento masculino (DAEM) são eviden-ciados, a partir dos 40 anos, sendo que a atividade física (AF) pode atenuar esse processo. O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar a influência de um protocolo de treinamento funcional na AF habitual em homens com DAEM. Participaram 20 homens de 40 a 59 anos (média de idade de 49,63 ± 4,65 anos), sendo 11 do grupo experimental e nove do grupo controle. Foram coletadas informações por meio de um questionário autoaplicável, dividido em três seções: características gerais e clínicas; AF ­ IPAQ (versão curta) e sintomas do envelhecimento masculino pela "Aging Male Symptoms Scale (AMS)". Na análise dos dados, utilizou-se a estatística descritiva (média, desvio padrão e frequência simples) e inferencial (Exato de Fisher e Anova two way com medidas repetidas com teste de com-paração de Sydak). O grupo experimental apresentou um aumento médio significativo no tempo de caminhada, em minutos por semana (265 ± 53 minutos; p = 0,013), atividades moderadas (138 ± 21 minutos; p = 0,004), moderadas + vigorosas (209 ± 24 minutos; p < 0,001) e total (474 ± 48 minutos; p < 0,001) em comparação ao grupo controle. Um protocolo de treinamento funcional e a motivação da prática de AF foi eficaz para o aumento do tempo de prática de AF em homens com DAEM

The symptoms of androgen deficiency in the aging male (ADAM) affect men from the age of 40, and in this context it is noted that the practice of physical activity (PA) can help in this process. Thus, the objective of this non-randomized clinical trial was to analyze the influence of a functional training protocol on habitual PA in men with ADAM. Twenty men aged 40 to 59 years (mean age 49,63 ± 4,65 years) 11 of the exper-imental group and 9 of the control group. Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire divided into three sections: sociodemographic and clinical characteristics; Physical activity - IPAQ (short version) and symptoms of male aging by aging male symptoms scale (AMS); In which men responded in the pre and post-intervention, after being allocated into experimental and control groups. Statistical analysis was descriptive (mean, standard deviation and simple frequency) and inferential (Fisher exact, Anova two way tests with repeated measurements and Sydak comparison test). The experimental group presented a significant mean increase in walking time, in minutes per week (265 ± 53 minutes, p = 0.013), moderate (138 ± 21 minutes, p = 0.004), moderate + vigorous activities (209 ± 24 minutes; p <0.001) and total (474 ± 48 minutes, p < 0.001) compared to the control group. A functional training protocol and motivation for the practice of PA was effective for increasing the practice of AF in men with DAEM

Humans , Male , Exercise , Randomized Controlled Trial , Andropause , Men , Motor Activity
Rev. cuba. endocrinol ; 28(1): 1-12, Jan.-Apr. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-901006


Introducción: el síndrome de declinación de la función testicular del hombre que envejece ha cobrado relevancia reciente, pero se asume que se conoce poco. Objetivo: identificar el nivel de información, en población y proveedores de salud, sobre este síndrome. Métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal, que involucró a 452 personas de población general, 109 médicos especialistas afines al tema y 406 de atención primaria. Se emplearon cuestionarios autoadministrados, estadísticas descriptivas y prueba chi2. Resultados: de la muestra poblacional 70,30 por ciento de las mujeres y 56,0 por ciento de los hombres reconocieron que el hombre experimenta un proceso equivalente al climaterio femenino; 64,04 por ciento no conocía los síntomas y 47,12 por ciento de los hombres mayores de 40 años señalaron edad de comienzo superior a la suya. De los especialistas afines, solo 10 habían oído hablar de todos los términos que se emplean para referirse al síndrome, 77,06 por ciento habían escuchado frecuentemente andropausia y 70,65 por ciento climaterio masculino; 27,52 por ciento dio definiciones incorrectas. De atención primaria, 28,57 por ciento no reconoció ningún término, 21,18 por ciento había escuchado frecuentemente andropausia y 19,95 por ciento climaterio masculino; 51,7 por ciento no definió correctamente el síndrome. El 74,14 por ciento no mencionó síntomas, 76,85 por ciento señaló contraindicaciones excesivas al tratamiento y 85,22 por ciento valoró su conocimiento como insuficiente. El nivel de información no se relacionó con edad, sexo o tiempo de graduado (p> 0,05). Conclusiones: la población, principalmente las mujeres, reconoce el síndrome, pero no domina sus manifestaciones. En médicos, con independencia de la edad, sexo o tiempo de graduado, la información se limita mayoritariamente a términos como andropausia y climaterio masculino; el dominio conceptual, del cuadro clínico y tratamiento, es insuficiente(AU)

Introduction: declining testicular function syndrome of the aging man has gained recent relevance but it is accepted that little is known about it. Objective: to find out the level of information of the population and of the health providers on this syndrome. Methods: cross-sectional and descriptive study involving 452 people from the general population, 109 medical specialists related to this topic and 406 primary care physicians. Self-administered questionnaires, summary statistics and chi-square test were all used. Results: in the population sample, 70.30 percent of women and 56 percent of men admitted that man experiences a process similar to the female climaterium; 64.04 percent did not know the symptoms and 47.12 percent of men older than 40 years stated that this process occurred at an age above that of theirs. As to the related specialists, just 10 had heard about all the terms used to mention this syndrome, 77.06 percent had often heard the term andropause and 70.65 percent the term male climaterium, and 27.52 percent gave incorrect definitions. In the primary health care physician group, 28.57 percent did not recognize any term, 21.18 percent had frequently heard about andropause and 19.95 percent about male climaterium, and 51.7 percent did not give a correct definition of the syndrome. In the sample 74.14 percent did not mention any symptom, 76.85 percent pointed out excessive treatment contraindications and 85.22 percent assessed their knowledge as poor. The level of information was not associated to age, sex or time of graduation (p> 0.05). Conclusions: the population, mainly women, recognizes the syndrome but did not know well the symptoms. Regardless of age, sex or time of graduation, the physicians' information about the syndrome is mostly limited to terms such as andropause and male climaterium but they did not master the concept, the clinical picture or the treatment(AU)

Humans , Male , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Testis/physiopathology , Aging/physiology , Andropause , Knowledge Bases , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 25(1): 138-198, jan.-mar. 2017. fig, quad
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-881119


O objetivo desta revisão foi identificar artigos originais que relacionam a sintomatologia do envelhecimento masculino com a qualidade de vida e a atividade física. Esta revisão seguiu as recomendações do Preferred reporting items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-análise (PRISMA). Foram selecionados artigos de bases de dados Medline/PubMed, LILACS (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde), e das biliotecas eletrônicas SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) e Portal Periódicos da Capes, publicados nos últimos dez anos (janeiro de 2003 a fevereiro de 2013), em português, inglês e espanhol. As palavras-chaves utilizadas foram: atividade física, qualidade de vida e andropausa ou sintomas do envelhecimento masculino, presentes no título ou nos resumos dos artigos. Utilizou-se a escala proposta por Downs e Black, para avaliação metodológica dos artigos incluídos na revisão. Identificou-se 233 estudos; 43 preencheram os critérios de inclusão. A maior parte dos estudos foi realizado em países da Europa, para análise das variáveis utilizou-se medidas indiretas como questionários, medidas diretas e coleta sanguínea. Em 18 estudos relatou-se presença de sintomas do envelhecimento masculino; em cinco deles descreveu-se que a qualidade de vida foi afetada pelos sintomas. Apenas três estudos relacionaram a sintomatologia com a atividade física. Os sintomas do envelhecimento masculino podem estar associados a diferentes fatores, influenciando os todos domínios da qualidade de vida dos homens, sendo os sintomas sexuais os mais frequentes, seguidos dos somáticos e psicológicos. Embora a atividade física seja relatada como benéfica, neste período foram encontrados poucos estudos, havendo necessidade de pesquisas que relacionem essas variáveis...(AU)

The aim of this review was to identify original articles that relate the aging male symptoms with quality of life and physical activity. This review followed the reporting items Preferred recommendations for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA). Were selected articles from databases Medline / PubMed, LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences), and electronic biliotecas SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) and Portal Journals Capes, published in the last ten years (January 2003 to February 2013), in Portuguese, English and Spanish. The key words used were: physical activity, quality of life and andropause or aging male symptoms, present in the title or summary of articles. Were used the scale Proposed by Downs and Black for methodological evaluation of the articles included in the review. It identified 233 studies; 43 met the inclusion criteria. Most studies were conducted in countries of Europe, to analyze the variables were used indirect measures such as questionnaires, direct measurements and blood collection. In 18 studies it was reported the presence of aging male symptoms; in five of them it has been described that the quality of life was affected by symptoms. Only three studies have related symptoms with physical activity. The aging male symptoms may be associated with different factors, influencing all domains of quality of life. The sexual symptoms were the most frequent, followed by somatic and psychological. Although physical activity is reported to be beneficial in this period, few studies have been found...(AU)

Humans , Male , Aged , Aging , Andropause , Exercise , Men , Mental Health , Quality of Life , Signs and Symptoms , Motor Activity
Cad. saúde pública ; 31(2): 311-320, 02/2015. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-742169


The objective was to describe the sexual life satisfaction of couples in the climacteric stage and determine whether there are differences between the perception of satisfaction and the sex life of each partner. We studied 142 couples obtained by stratified sampling of family health centers, Concepción, Chile. 66% of women and 84% of men reported being very or somewhat satisfied with their sex lives. Slight concordance was found between the responses of the partners in relation to satisfaction with their sexual life. Moreover, a slight degree of agreement was found between the sexual life satisfaction reported by women and their partners' perceptions of the women's sexual life satisfaction. Additionally, a slight degree of agreement was reported between the sexual life satisfaction reported by men and their partners' perceptions of the men's sexual life satisfaction. This study provides new information about Chilean couples in the climacteric stage in relation to self-reported sexual satisfaction and perceived satisfaction in couples.

O objetivo foi descrever a satisfação com a vida sexual dos casais no período do climatério e determinar se existem diferenças entre as percepções da satisfação com a vida sexual de cada membro do casal. Foram seleccionados cento e quarenta e dois casais por meio de uma amostragem estratificada dos centros de saúde familiar em Concepción, Chile. Sessenta e seis porcento das mulheres e 84% dos homens relataram ser muito ou moderadamente satisfeitos com suas vidas sexuais. Verificou-se uma leve concordância entre as respostas de cada membro do casal em relação à satisfação com a vida sexual. Também identificou-se um leve grau de concordância entre a satisfação com a vida sexual referida pela mulher e a percepção da satisfação com a vida sexual que seu parceiro tem dela. Da mesma forma, verificou-se um discreto grau de acordo para a referida pelo homem e a percepção da satisfação com a vida sexual que sua companheira tem dele. É oferecida uma nova informação a respeito dos casais chilenos no período do climatério, em relação à satisfação sexual autoinformada e a satisfação percebida no parceiro, evidenciando-se a diferença da percepção entre os casais.

El estudio describe la satisfacción con la vida sexual de parejas en etapa de climaterio, además de determinar si existen diferencias entre las percepciones de satisfacción con la vida sexual de cada miembro de la pareja. Se estudiaron 142 parejas, obtenidas mediante muestreo estratificado en centros de salud familiar de Concepción, Chile. Un 66% de mujeres y un 84% de hombres informaron sentirse muy o algo satisfechos con su vida sexual de pareja. Se encontró una concordancia leve entre las respuestas de cada miembro de la pareja, en relación con la satisfacción en la vida sexual. También, se encontró un grado de acuerdo leve entre satisfacción con la vida sexual informada por la mujer y la percepción de satisfacción con la vida sexual que su pareja tiene de ella. Asimismo, se reportó un grado discreto de acuerdo para la satisfacción con vida sexual referida por el hombre y la percepción de satisfacción con la vida sexual que su pareja tiene de él. Este estudio proporciona nueva información respecto a parejas chilenas en etapa de climaterio, en relación con la satisfacción sexual autoinformada y percibida en la pareja.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Andropause , Family Characteristics , Menopause/psychology , Sexual Partners , Sexual Behavior/physiology , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies , Interpersonal Relations , Perception , Personal Satisfaction , Socioeconomic Factors
Horiz. méd. (Impresa) ; 13(2): 46-50, abr.-jun. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-706097


Cuando uno habla del buen desempeño del joven en el deporte, es común escuchar de las virtudes de la testosterona, asociándola a la entrega, el pundonor y las ganas. Lo que no está  tan lejos de la verdad, tanto aí¡ como cuando hablamos del hombre y su virilidad, o cuando en su declinacó¢n, hablamos de la andropausia o climaterio masculino. Pero hoy, curiosamente es común encontrar a hombres jóvenes con deficiencia de esta hormona como consecuencia de su estilo de vida. Hay una relación creciente entre la salud emocional, la depresón y la disminución de la testosterona, la cual está  influenciada negativamente por muchos factores, como: el estrás, el inadecuado descanso, mala alimentación, las alteraciones en los niveles de azúcar, el sobrepeso, el exceso de ejercicio físico y hasta una inadecuada relación de pareja. Clínicamente, veremos al joven cansado y con falta de energía, con dificultades de concentración y memoria, irritables, con sentimientos de indiferencia, de falta de interés por su pareja, con difusión sexual, sin dejar de mencionar que la deficiencia crónica de testosterona, puede traer alteraciones: metabólicas, cardiovasculares, osteoporosis y hasta cáncer. Cambios asociados al déficit de la hormona y cuya disminución puede ser determinada con un examen de sangre. La solución a este problema esá  en la consejería, en recomendar un buen estilo de vida, una actitud equilibrada, un sueño reparador, que la alimentación sea saludable, que se realice actividad física, y cuando sea necesario se indiquen suplementos como la vitamina C, D, Zincó, entre otros. Así como la sustitución hormonal supervisada medicamente.El optimismo y la actitud ganadora, conjuntamente con una buena relación de pareja, son claves en el manejo de este problema.

When one speaks of the good performance of young men in sports, it is common to hear of the virtues of testosterone, associating it with enthusiasm, honor and desire. What is not so far from the truth, as well as when we speak of man and his manhood or, when in its decline, we speak of andropause or male menopause.But today, interestingly it is common to find young men with a deficiency of this hormone as a result of their lifestyle. There is growing relationship between emotional health, depression and decreased testosterone, which is negatively influenced by many factors such as: stress, inadequate rest, poor diet, alterations in sugar levels, overweight, excessive exercise and even improper relationships.Clinically, we see the young tired and with a lack of energy, with memory and concentration difficulties, irritable, with a lack of energy, with memory and concentration difficulties, irritable, with feeling of indifference, lack of interest in his partner and sexual dysfunction, not to mention the chronic deficiency of testosterone can cause alterations: metabolic, cardiovascular, osteoporosis and even cancer. Changes associated with hormone deficiency and whose decline can be determined with a blood test.The solution to this problem is in counseling, in recommending a good lifestyle, a balanced attitude, restful sleep, healthy diet and physical activity, and when necessary supplements like vitamin C, D, Zinc, among others may be indicates. As well as medically supervised hormone replacement.The optimism and winning attitude, along with a good relationship, are key in managing this problem.

Humans , Male , Andropause , Climacteric , Testosterone , Vitamin D , Zinc , Ascorbic Acid
The World Journal of Men's Health ; : 239-246, 2013.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-194729


PURPOSE: To evaluate the anti-apoptotic effect of the antioxidant reaction of anthocyanin on the prostate in an andropause animal model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into three groups (n=12 in each): control (Group I), andropause (Group II), andropause treated with anthocyanin (Group III). For induction of andropause, Group II and III underwent bilateral orchiectomy. Group III was treated with daily oral anthocyanin (160 mg/kg) for 8 weeks. After 8 weeks, the rats were sacrificed and their blood and prostates were examined pathohistologically and evaluated for oxidative stress and apoptosis. Oxidative stress was assessed by the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and apoptosis in the prostate was identified by terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-digoxigenin nick end-labelling assay. RESULTS: Group II showed markedly increased activity of SOD in serum over that observed in Group I, whereas the rats in Group III showed reduced oxidative stress compared to Group II. Despite no significant differences in prostate weight between Group II and III (p=0.078), the apoptotic index was significantly greater in Group II than Group I, and was significantly lesser in Group III than Group II. CONCLUSIONS: We suggest that the oxidative stress caused by low testosterone may be another inducer of apoptosis, and this apoptosis may partly contribute to the overall apoptosis of the prostate in the andropause animal model. Therefore, anthocyanin supplementation may contribute to preventing excessively rapid cell death by apoptosis in the prostate in an animal model of andropause.

Animals , Male , Rats , Andropause , Anthocyanins , Antioxidants , Apoptosis , Cell Death , Models, Animal , Orchiectomy , Oxidative Stress , Prostate , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Superoxide Dismutase , Testosterone
Korean Journal of Urology ; : 619-623, 2013.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-145445


PURPOSE: Late-onset hypogonadism (LOH) in aging males is a clinical and biochemical syndrome characterized by a decline in serum testosterone levels. LOH results in various physical and mental disabilities. We evaluated the relationship between serum testosterone levels and symptoms of LOH. MATERIALS AND METHODS: During an andropause screening program, we examined responses to the Saint Louis university androgen deficiency in aging males (ADAM) questionnaire and results on the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5) in terms of clinical symptoms and evaluated serum total testosterone levels for a biochemical diagnosis of LOH in healthy community-living volunteers aged over 40 years. RESULTS: The mean age of the 534 men was 59.1 years (range, 40 to 79 years), and their mean serum testosterone level was 464.1+/-171.9 ng/dL. The serum testosterone level decreased significantly with age. There was a 92.5% positive response rate to the ADAM questionnaire. The percentage of patients whose serum testosterone level was 0.05). There was no significant correlation between IIEF-5 scores and serum testosterone levels. CONCLUSIONS: Among men over 40 years of age, 25.6% met the clinical and biochemical diagnostic criteria for LOH. There was no relationship between serum testosterone levels and symptoms of LOH.

Aged , Humans , Male , Aging , Andropause , Hypogonadism , Mass Screening , Testosterone
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2012. 126 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-640013


O objetivo dessa dissertação é explorar a reformulação da antiga andropausa nodiagnóstico de Deficiência Androgênica do Envelhecimento Masculino (DAEM) e seu tratamento farmacológico, que é a reposição de testosterona. Essa "nova" patologia se localiza dentro do escopo da Medicina Sexual, e faz parte, juntamente com a disfunção erétil e a ejaculação precoce, de um avanço da medicalização sobre corpos masculinos. Realizeientrevistas semi-estruturadas com alguns médicos envolvidos no estabelecimento do DAEM. Esses profissionais são urologistas ou endocrinologistas, ou ainda andrologistas, acadêmicos, mas que também mantêm um consultório. A entrevista pode ser dividida em dois grandes grupos, um relativo à definição e diagnóstico do DAEM, e a centralidade do sexo nas queixas do paciente. O outro analisa a terapia de reposição hormonal em si, e as conseqüências para amasculinidade da deficiência de testosterona. Elenquei ainda um terceiro tema, relativo às disputas entre as duas especialidades médicas, e as diferenças nas abordagens dos problemas colocados, que encobriam diferentes concepções de corpo e doença. Por fim, tentei manter gênero e envelhecimento como eixos transversais, que atravessassem toda a entrevista. Oobjetivo desse roteiro era perceber, sob a ótica desses médicos, como o DAEM é construído tanto na academia quanto na clínica médica, e quais as idéias subjacentes ao seu diagnóstico etratamento. Portanto, nessa dissertação, pretendo analisar como o DAEM parece se localizar numa encruzilhada, unificando novos ideais de masculinidade e envelhecimento, sob a égideda medicina sexual e seus tratamentos farmacológicos. Porém, para isso, foi preciso antes investigar as mudanças na masculinidade e na velhice, o que as definia antes, e quais os novos desenhos que elas apresentam, para poder vislumbrar sua articulação com a medicalização e/ou farmacologização da sexualidade masculina.

Humans , Male , Aging , Andropause , Sexual Behavior/psychology , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological , Sexuality/psychology , Testosterone/therapeutic use
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol ; 77(1): 11-17, 2012. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-627392


OBJETIVO: Determinar si existen diferencias entre la percepción de los hombres y de sus parejas sobre la calidad de vida relacionada con salud en la etapa de climaterio masculino. MÉTODO: Diseño descriptivo y correlacional. Población del estudio integrada por 49 parejas, formadas por hombres entre 40-65 años y sus parejas mujeres entre 40-60 años de un Centro de Salud de Concepción, Chile. Las parejas fueron entrevistadas en sus hogares previo consentimiento informado. Ambos respondieron de forma independiente la escala Aging Males' Symptoms. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva, Indice de Kappa y t de Student. RESULTADOS: La edad promedio fue 53,2 años para los hombres y 50,7 años para las mujeres. El 54,8% de los hombres mostró alguna alteración de la calidad de vida, mostrando mayor alteración en las sub-escalas somatovege-tativa y sexual. Al comparar los puntajes de los hombres en las tres sub-escalas, con la percepción de sus parejas, hubo diferencias significativas sólo en la sub-escala psicológica (p<0,01). CONCLUSIÓN: No existen diferencias significativas en la percepción que los hombres y sus parejas tienen respecto de calidad de vida relacionada con salud de los hombres durante esta etapa, en los aspectos somatovegetativo y sexual, sólo existe diferencia en el aspecto psicológico.

OBJECTIVE: To determine if there are differences between men's and their couples' perception of health related quality of life during the male climacteric period. METHOD: Cross-sectional and correlational design. The studied sample consisted of 49 couples, made up of men in a range of 40 to 65 years of age and women in a range of 40 to 60 years of age, enrolled in a Community Health Center in Concepción, Chile. Couples were interviewed in their homes after providing informed consent. Both members answered the Aging Males' Symptoms independently. Descriptive statistics, Kappa and Student-t tests were used. RESULTS: The average age was 53.2 years and 50.7 for men and women, respectively. 58.4% of the men showed any kind of alteration of their quality of life, having more deterioration in the somato-vegetative and sexual subscale. By comparing men scores in three sub-scales to their couples' perception, only psychological sub-scale (p<0.01) presented a significant difference. CONCLUSION: Men's perception of quality of life related to health during the male climacteric period is not different from their couples' in somato-vegetative and sexual sub-scales. The psychological subscale is the only exception.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Quality of Life , Climacteric/psychology , Sexual Partners/psychology , Perception , Aging/psychology , Sex Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Andropause
Nutrition Research and Practice ; : 505-512, 2012.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-227496


Many aging male suffer various andropause symptoms including loss of physical and mental activities. This study evaluated the putative alleviative effects of CRS-10 dandelion and rooibos extract complex (CRS-10) on the symptoms of andropause. The survival rate of TM3 Leydig cells (TM3 cells) treated with CRS-10 was measured based on typical physiological stress. After daily intake of CRS-10 for 4 weeks, the level of testosterone, physical activity and both the number and activity of sperm in older rats (18 weeks) were measured. Furthermore, thirty males were surveyed with AMS (Aging Males' Symptoms) questionnaire after intake of 400 mg of CRS-10. Overall, CRS-10 protected TM3 cells from serum restriction and oxidative stress via activation of ERK and Akt pathways. The level of testosterone and activation of spermatogenesis in rats were significantly enhanced. In addition, physical locomotion was markedly improved. Daily intake of 400 mg of CRS-10 improved the quality of life among agingmale respondents, according to a clinical survey using the AMS. The results indicate the potential of CRS-10 as a safe and efficacious natural substance for reducing or alleviating andropause symptoms.

Animals , Humans , Male , Rats , Aging , Andropause , Aspalathus , Leydig Cells , Locomotion , Motor Activity , Oxidative Stress , Quality of Life , Surveys and Questionnaires , Spermatogenesis , Spermatozoa , Stress, Physiological , Survival Rate , Taraxacum , Testosterone
National Journal of Andrology ; (12): 150-154, 2012.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-238971


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To access the prevalence of menopause-like symptoms, and their related factors in old and middle-aged males in the area of Hefei.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>This study included 1 026 males aged over 45 years that came to the clinic for health examination. We collected their personal data, and evaluated their general health status and the results of the questionnaire investigation using the Aging Males' Symptoms (AMS) scale.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>The total incidence of menopause-like symptoms was 64.7% among the old and middle-aged males in Hefei area, of which 58.1% were mild, 30.9% moderate and 11.0% severe. The average AMS score was 31.2 +/- 6.8, in which the scores on psychological, physical and sexual function symptoms were 8.3 +/- 2.1, 12.4 +/- 4.8 and 9.3 +/- 4.5, respectively. Sexual function symptoms were increased significantly with the increase of age (P < 0.05), but psychological and physical symptoms showed no obvious correlation with age (P > 0.05). The main risk factors of menopause-like symptoms included age, smoking, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and obesity, but physical exercise was an important protective factor against them.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>With the increase of age, the prevalence of male menopause-like symptoms rises and sexual function declines gradually, but psychological and physical scores are not affected significantly. Age, general health status and lifestyle are closely associated with the prevalence of menopause-like symptoms among old and middle-aged males.</p>

Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Aging , Andropause , China , Epidemiology , Incidence , Life Style , Prevalence , Risk Factors , Surveys and Questionnaires
Indian J Med Sci ; 2011 Sept; 65(9) 379-386
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-145694


Background: According to the Indian census 2011, India has the largest population of the elderly. Very few studies have been carried out in North India to assess the awareness about andropause in men, which is why this study was conceived. Objectives: To assess the awareness about andropause and its treatment modalities among the men of Chandigarh. Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted at an Urban Health Training Center (UHTC-44 B) of Government Medical College and Hospital Sector 32, Chandigarh (GMCH) in male patients attending the outpatient department. This non-interventional individual cross-sectional study was carried out from August 2010 to August 2011 in men aged 40 years and above. Systematic, random sampling was carried out and the study sample comprised 757 men. The subjects were given pre-structured and pre-tested questionnaires that had questions pertaining to socio-demographic profile, ADAM scale, views about andropause, its treatment modalities, etc., Results: Out of the sample size of 757 men, subjects from the urban area (323; 43.1) were more in contrast to that of the peri-urban (41; 31.9) and slum areas (393; 259). Maximum number of patients belonged to the age group of 40-49 years (342; 26.3), followed by those in age group 60-69 years (141; 18.6). It was found that awareness about the term andropause was found only among 17 (2.2%) subjects, whereas the knowledge of a syndrome synonymous to that of menopause in females was even less 7 (0.9%) patients positive for andropause were found to increase with increase of age (40-49; 35.7, 50-59; 81.2, 60-69; 96.5). Only 123 (11.4%) had an idea about the treatment of andropause. The keenness to resort to treatment or seek medical advice was shown by 355 (47.3%). Subjects in the age group of less than 60 years resorted to injections (15; 4.7) and transdermal patches (6; 1.09) as testosterone-replacement therapy. Herbal medicines were especially taken by those subjects in the age group 60-70 years, (74.3%; 101). Conclusion: Awareness about andropause and its treatment modalities is less in men.

Adult , Aged , Andropause/drug effects , Awareness , Cohort Studies , Humans , Male , India/epidemiology , Population Groups , Testosterone/therapeutic use
RBM rev. bras. med ; 68(5)maio 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-590926


O aumento da expectativa de vida exige a diferenciação entre os efeitos normais e patológicos do envelhecimento.Várias sociedades médicas desenvolveram diretrizes para o diagnóstico de investigação, tratamento e acompanhamento da reposição hormonal em homens com hipogonadismo de início tardio.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Andropause , Sexual Behavior/physiology
Rev. bras. anal. clin ; 42(1): 25-26, 2010.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-550554


A terapia de reposição de testosterona (TRT) é uma opção de tratamento para a andropausa, porém é evitada por ser historicamente associada com o surgimento de câncer de próstata (PCa) clinicamente detectável. Esta crença, suportada por mais de meio século, tem sido muito contestada ultimamente por possuir lacunas científicas importantes. O presente trabalho faz uma revisão da literatura recente e aborda as evidências que sustentam a prática e aplicação clínica de TRT e os novos estudos que procuram esclarecer qual a verdadeira relação de dependência entre crescimento do PCa e hormônios andrógenos.

Androgens , Andropause , Hormone Replacement Therapy , Prostatic Neoplasms , Hormone Replacement Therapy/history , Hormone Replacement Therapy , Testosterone/therapeutic use
Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab ; 53(8): 989-995, nov. 2009. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-537036


OBJECTIVE: To compare the modalities of treatment for male hypogonadism available in Brazil. METHODS: Thirty-two men with late-onset hypogonadism ("andropause") were followed-up in the Hospital de Guarnição de Florianópolis, in Florianópolis, south Brazil. Clinical diagnosis was established according to AMS questionnaire (positive if equal to or higher than 27 points), and laboratorial diagnosis was made through low values of total testosterone (under 300 ng/dL) and/or free calculated testosterone (under 6.5 ng/dL). Patients were randomized to three non-enteral treatment groups (Deposteron® - 11 patients; Durateston® - 11 patients; and Nebido® - 10 patients). RESULTS: Clinically, Nebido® seemed to be superior when compared to Deposteron® (mean value of improvement percentage; p = 0.03) and when compared to Durateston® (post-treatment average AMS score; p = 0.03). According to laboratorial analysis, Nebido® showed higher testosterone levels than Deposteron® and Durateston® (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: All non-enteral testosterone formulas available in the Brazilian market are efficient in raising testosterone levels and in clinical improvement of hypogonadal patients. Nebido® showed both a better clinical and laboratorial effectiveness.

OBJETIVO: Comparar os tratamentos para hipogonadismo masculino disponíveis no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 32 homens com hipogonadismo tardio ("andropausa") no Hospital de Guarnição de Florianópolis. O diagnóstico foi feito por meio do questionário AMS (acima de 27 pontos) e dos níveis diminuídos de testosterona total dosada (abaixo de 300 ng/dL) e/ou testosterona livre calculada (abaixo de 6,5 ng/dL). Os pacientes foram divididos em três grupos de tratamento parenteral (Deposteron® - 11 pacientes; Durateston® - 11 pacientes; Nebido® - 10 pacientes). RESULTADOS: Clinicamente, o tratamento com Nebido® mostrou-se superior ao tratamento com Deposteron® (média do percentual de melhora; p = 0,03) e ao Durateston® (média do questionário AMS pós-tratamento; p = 0,03). Laboratorialmente, o tratamento com Nebido® mostrou níveis de testosterona superiores ao Deposteron® e Durateston® (p < 0,001). CONCLUSÕES: As três formulações de testosterona parenteral existentes no mercado brasileiro são eficientes em elevar os níveis de testosterona e melhorar clinicamente pacientes hipogonádicos, sendo o Nebido® mais efetivo clínica e laboratorialmente.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Androgens/therapeutic use , Andropause/drug effects , Hypogonadism/drug therapy , Testosterone/analogs & derivatives , Analysis of Variance , Brazil , Hormone Replacement Therapy , Hypogonadism/blood , Injections, Intramuscular , Testosterone/adverse effects , Testosterone/therapeutic use
Rev. cuba. endocrinol ; 20(2)ene.-abr. 2009. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-547028


El declinar de la función testicular propia del envejecimiento ha adquirido relevancia en los últimos años, sin embargo aún no se conoce su prevalencia, ni existe uniformidad para el diagnóstico. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal con el objetivo de determinar la prevalencia y características clínico-hormonales del déficit androgénico en varones de 60 años y más. Se incluyeron 70 sujetos de un área de salud, seleccionados mediante muestreo aleatorio estratificado polietápico, a los cuales se interrogó sobre la presencia de síntomas de deficiencia androgénica, se les realizó examen físico general y genital y determinaciones de testosterona total, hormona luteinizante y hormona folículo estimulante en sangre periférica. De acuerdo con las concentraciones de la testosterona se dividieron en 2 grupos: a) sujetos con deficiencia androgénica y b) sujetos sin deficiencia androgénica. Los que presentaron déficit androgénico tenían un peso significativamente superior, una proporción mayor de obesidad y una talla significativamente inferior. Los síntomas de déficit androgénico fueron frecuentes, los refirieron indistintamente los integrantes de ambos grupos y se presentaron independientemente de las concentraciones de las hormonas sexuales. En general, las gonadotropinas estaban aumentadas fundamentalmente a expensas de hormona folículo estimulante y su comportamiento fue independiente de las concentraciones de testosterona(AU)

Decline of testicular function typical of aging has acquired relevance in past years, however yet it is unknown its prevalence and there is not evenness for its diagnosis. A cross-sectional and descriptive study was made to determine the prevalence and clinical-hormonal features of androgen deficit in males aged 60 or more. Included are 70 subjects from a health area selected by multistage stratified randomized sampling that were interrogated about presence of androgen deficiency syndrome and underwent a physical and genital examination and total testosterone determinations, luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone in peripheral blood. According the testosterone concentrations they were divided into two groups: a) subjects presenting with androgen deficiency and b) subjects without this type of deficiency. Those with androgen deficit had a higher weight, a higher obesity ratio, and a significantly lower height. The symptoms of androgen deficit were frequent, recounted indiscriminately by both groups and independently of sexual hormone concentrations. Generally, gonadotropins were increased mainly at the expense of follicle-stimulating hormone and its behavior was independent of the testosterone concentrations(AU)

Humans , Male , Aged , Physical Examination , Andropause/physiology , Follicle Stimulating Hormone/adverse effects , Androgens/deficiency , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Biol. Res ; 42(1): 13-23, 2009. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-519080


The soybean phytoestrogen, genistein, is increasingly consumed as an alternative therapeutic for age-related diseases, namely cardiovascular conditions, cancer and osteoporosis. However, despite the beneficial effects on health, concern has been raised that this isoflavone also acts as an endocrine-disrupting chemical. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of genistein on immunohistomorphometric features of pituitary adrenocorticotropic cells (ACTH) and blood concentrations of ACTH and corticosterone in orchidectomized middle-aged male rats. Sixteen-month-old Wistar rats were divided into sham-operated (SO), orchidectomized (Orx) and genistein-treated orchidectomized (Orx+G) groups. Genistein (30mg/kg/day) was administered subcutaneously for three weeks, while the control groups received the vehicle alone. ACTH cells were identified by the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) immunohistochemical procedure. Circulating concentrations of ACTH and corticosterone were measured by immunoassay. Orchidectomy reduced (p<0.05) the cell volume and the relative volume of ACTH cells in comparison to SO rats. Genistein treatment further decreased (p<0.05) these morphometric parameters and reduced (p<0.05) circulating ACTH and corticosterone concentrations by more than 20 percent in comparison to both Orx and SO rats. In conclusión, genistein modulated the immunohistomorphometric features of ACTH cells and decreased blood ACTH and corticosterone levels, which supports evidence that this isoflavone affects the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and suppresses glucocorticoid hormone secretion.

Animals , Male , Rats , Andropause , Adrenocorticotropic Hormone/blood , Corticosterone/blood , Genistein/pharmacology , Pituitary Gland, Anterior/drug effects , Immunoassay , Immunohistochemistry , Models, Animal , Orchiectomy , Pituitary Gland, Anterior/cytology , Pituitary Gland, Anterior , Rats, Wistar